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The Charity
Team Isabelle

An Angel in the Book of Life, Wrote down our babies borth

And Whispered, as the closed the book, "Too Beautiful for Earth "


On 14th August 2007, our world fell apart when our beautiful baby girl, Isabelle, was born sleeping.  With no cause found, our seemingly perfect daughter was taken very cruelly from us before we ever got to know her, and over the last 7 years, our family have been searching for ways to keep her spirit alive and create a fitting legacy for the baby we miss so dearly.

In 2013, I was introduced to a wonderful charity, who offered exactly the type of help and support we had been searching for over the previous 6 years.  A chairity that acknowledges loss at any stage of pregnancy, birth or early infancy. 

So myself, my husband and our children, have spent the last year undertaking a number of sponsored charity events to raise funds for Saying Goodbye, and now we are proud to support the charity as Fundraising  & Events Co-Ordinators to arrange wonderful events in Liveprool and the North West in support of Saying Goodbye, and in memory of Isabelle.

We are proud supporters of the Mariposa Trust, and in particular, the division Saying Goodbye. 

This website is no way affiliated to the charity, we are one of a number of teams and fundraisers across the UK who support the work of the Mariposa Trust and Saying Goodbye.  To learn more about the charity, and all the wonderful things they do, please visit their websites:

You can follow #TeamIsabelle on Facebook where you can learn more about our events, our sponsors, and keep up to date with our news.

Please click on the picture below for more information

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